recipes take you back to the classic French kitchen.
- Some taken from my 'atoma'
recipe book, where i wrote it all down when i was still
- Not that i will ever stop
learning... but this book originates from more than 30 years
- Some recipes learned over
the years or other ones i just made up.
- Offcourse always with the
respect of classic combinations.
- Only the best ingrediënts
will give you the top results you are looking for.
- No compromises.
- It's like a bad wine will
surely give you a bad sauce.
- And since Belgium has so much
to offer, here are some of the things i enjoy.
- The book above is from Auguste
Escoffier, my very first book i got when i was 16!
- It is more than 35 years old now.
- He was a French cook and the writer of
guide culinaire' a classic masterpiece.
beer, so many, we're spoiled, really... but my favourites
ones here...
Belgium is a very small
country but with many great products and local producers.
We know why we are
called 'Bourgondiërs' and i am still proud of it!
The website name wildesdreams.be
originates from my love for Tina Turner.
Chocolate from Callebaut >
Chocolate pêllets, bars and so much more
- * Best chocolate for making desserts.
- * Based in Lebbeke, Belgium.
- * The largest chocolate factory in the
- * Callebaut 811, One of Octaaf Callebaut's
authentic recipes.
- 54,5 % of cacao, i always use this one
for making chocolatemousse.
Leonidas - Belgian pralines >
* Very good quality chocolate
for a good price.
* Try the 'manon' praline with
of without nuts.
* For me the best praline they
have is the 'Gianduja'
* We give these alot as a present,
chocolates make people happy!
Belgian vegetables >

- * Asparagus,
one of our top products!
- * Chicory,
bitter taste, we Belgians like it so much, even uncooked!
- * Tomatoes, TOMaBEL
- Nothing better than local tomatoes in the season!
- * Brussels sprouts, great baked with some
- Brussels sprouts are a real Belgian pride.
The original French name is "Choux de Bruxelles"
Belgian fruit >
Freshly baked fries >
freshly baked fries!
* We are addicted to fries in
* Many people call it French
fries but it is BELGIAN!
* I have a neon fries sign in
my kitchen......
* Real Belgian fries are baked
in ox fat (ox white) and not in oil.
* The amount of people that have
a fryer at home is huge in Belgium.
* Yes i used to have a build
in fryer in my kitchen :-)
Lotus Bakeries >
Very well known for 'Speculoos', called Biscoff
cookies outside of Belgium.
