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  • Madeleines:

  • French Butter Cakes


  1. 200gr butter
  2. 200gr flour
  3. 120gr granulated sugar
  4. 25gr vanilla sugar
  5. 4 eggs
  6. 16gr baking powder
  7. 1 lime
  8. pinch of salt

  • Melt the butter slowly in a saucepan, set aside.
  • In the food mixer bowl add the sugar, vanilla sugar and the salt.
  • Use the beater and slowly add one egg at a time.
  • Set to maximum speed and whip untill fluffy.
  • Reduce speed to minimum and slowly add the melted butter.
  • Strain the flour and the bakingpowder and add to the mixture.
  • Add the zest from the lime.
  • Slowly mix it together and add the batter to a piping bag.
  • No need to use a nozzle.
  • If you want it to be easy use a disposable piping bag, fill it and cut off the tip.
  • Fill each pastry shape with some of the batter, don't fill it completely!
  • The dough will rise.
  • Bake in a pre-heated oven set to 200°C for about 15 minutes.
  • Check after 15 minutes >
  • Pierce the center with a stick until nothing sticks or when the stick feels warm when you hold it against your wrist!
  • Give it another minute when needed.
  • It all depends on how much you filled the shapes.
  • Best eaten when they are still lukewarm!


  1. Madeleines bake tray
  2. Spatula
  3. Beater or kenwood (or kitchenaid)
  4. Fine strainer
  5. Oven pre-heated at 200°C
  6. Disposable piping bag
  7. Small saucepan


  1. Always measure correct when baking!
  2. Use the fine strainer
  3. Add the butter slowly!
  4. Don't eat them all at once


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